
Showing posts from January 13, 2023

The Day We Met the Students

One of the verses from Deb’s evening devotion: John 14:1 (Jesus comforts his disciples) “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in Me.” Today was an outstanding day full of wonders, joy, and amazement… and eye opening sights.  We travelled to Mbuguni, which was quite a long way, through some rough and dusty roads.  Along the way we got a glimpse of how life is here.  Their way of life seems hard to us, but it is what they have.  It what God provides.  Coming through the city we saw crowded streets, cars and motor cycles every which way.    Small shops lined the streets.    To us it would seem so disorganized. Then as we left the city, we saw the rural areas.   It  was dry and dusty and homes were brick with chickens, goats, and cows in the yards. We saw children carrying water, famers in their dry fields, herders moving their (very skinny) cows to the fields. Certainly a way of ...