
Showing posts from January 16, 2023

The Day We Built Each Other Up and Saw the Rainbow

The Rainbow on the road from  Mbuguni As with any mission trip there are ups and downs.     There were so many people today that really wanted to get into the clinic there were some very loud discussions and a little bit of tension outside the clinic.     Our great hosts helped with crowd control and making sure there was communication on why the wait - but this was hard - we want to help as many as possible but realized today that it is not possible to help everyone.     Some will eventually have to be turned away.     Their hope for glasses and better sight might not be realized.     We can’t     even imagine how they feel especially after walking a long way to get to the clinic. Laurence said we could do another two weeks and still not get to everyone. We served 118 people in the clinic today.    There were a lot of elderly and a lot of very young.    The oldest was 100 and the youngest that we teste...