
Showing posts from January 15, 2023

The Day That Solidified The Reason Why God Sent Us Here

A Busy Sunday at the Eyeglass Clinic What struck us on the way to the road to Mbuguni this morning was all the people dressed in their colorful Sunday clothes and walking to church.     Dozens of families  and lots of children.     It was dusty and hot already. (We felt bad for driving by and making a huge trail of dust). We take it for granted that we can jump in a car and be to church in a short time.     These families may walk an hour or more to church and then back.   It was another successful day, serving 60 people in the clinic, however we didn’t get to see over 100 people who came to the clinic.    There is such a need for eyeglasses in this community and we were really blown away with the number of people waiting again.    Because we went to church in the morning we only had a half day of clinic.    We registered 50 of the people we could not get to to make sure they come back in morning and to get us a jump-...