The Day That Started with No Water and Ended with the Light

An amazing feat - Dora can see much better! As with a lot of mission trips, the unexpected can happen. Sometimes it’s just a minor discomfort, like no water in the lodge where you are staying. That is the case with us today. It started with no water - but “Hakuna Mata” (no worries in Swahili). That’s just a minor thing and we are all good friends now. We were a bit dirty and didn’t smell as nice as we wanted - and our hair - oh well; The people of Mbuguni won’t mind. Being Saturday, it was Market Day in the village and Laurence wanted us to experience what it was like. Jacob, one of our bus drivers said “Welcome to the Mbuguni Walmart.” Everyone goes to the market to get their food and wares, sells their goats, sheep, etc. You can pick out your goats and watch them slaughter, cut, and cook them over an open fire. Not a sight we all want to see, but this is their way of ...