The Day That Solidified The Reason Why God Sent Us Here

A Busy Sunday at the Eyeglass Clinic

What struck us on the way to the road to Mbuguni this morning was all the people dressed in their colorful Sunday clothes and walking to church.  Dozens of families and lots of children.  It was dusty and hot already. (We felt bad for driving by and making a huge trail of dust). We take it for granted that we can jump in a car and be to church in a short time.  These families may walk an hour or more to church and then back. 

It was another successful day, serving 60 people in the clinic, however we didn’t get to see over 100 people who came to the clinic.  There is such a need for eyeglasses in this community and we were really blown away with the number of people waiting again.  Because we went to church in the morning we only had a half day of clinic.  We registered 50 of the people we could not get to to make sure they come back in morning and to get us a jump-start on getting them in.

Over 160 people were served a meal today.   Everyone was hungry, thirsty, but very patient and very happy.  Mbuguni is 80% Muslim and 20% Christian.  The people who came for eyeglasses took the opportunity while waiting to visit in groups, let the kids play, and just socialize. These are all God’s people and all in need.  Providing them a witnessing station with the local pastor is an opportunity to share what Christ does and show the love of Christians.  Providing them food and eyeglasses reinforces that mission of love.

Jim’s evening devotion discussed decisions you face when contemplating going on a mission trip.  It was very fitting for today and the bottom line is that there is work to do and if you are a “goer” then go.  If you are a “sender” then send.   That doesn’t mean everyone has to go on a big mission trip - it can be anything if it is in the name of Christ - “run with perseverance”. 

Today we ran hard.  Our team decided to do this mission and we are all so very glad we did. Tonight we are all dusty and tired (and really full having eaten a huge meal at a Kahn’s BBQ in Arusha - another outstanding meal here) and we are looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.

Jim’s devotion verse: Hebrews 12:1-3. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3   Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

One of the students sewing

Really tried hard to help this man.  There are so many that we cannot help because of cataract or other severe eye issues

Two girls waiting for the clinic

The kids in their Sunday clothes (that they made!!)

The kids found a tortoise!

Enjoying our wonderful meal an Khan’s BBQ in Arusha

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